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Case Management Defined

Case management is a collaborative process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet the client’s health and human service needs. It is characterized by advocacy, communication, and resource management and promotes quality and cost-effective interventions and outcomes.

Caretaker with senior man doing his hair

Case Management Services Can Offer the Following

  • In-home assessment. Through a systematic evaluation, the Case Manager will assess clients’ needs and impairments, support system, and all other external factors. Case Managers will also consult with physicians and other healthcare professionals to develop a care plan that best fits the client’s needs.
  • Develops and implements care plans.
  • Provides family/client intervention.
  • Researches activities/resources and provides community referrals.
  • Monitors on-going services.
Caretaker with senior woman listening to heart rate

Class Case Management

The Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) program provides home and community-based services to people with related conditions as a cost-effective alternative to an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID). A related condition is a disability, other than an intellectual disability, that originated before age 21 that affects the ability to function in daily life.

As a CLASS Case management provider (CMA) we will provide the following services on an ongoing basis:

  • Assist the individual as necessary to maintain Medicaid eligibility.
  • Conduct various tasks related to enrollment.
  • Perform functions related to service planning.
  • Monitor the provision of CLASS services.
  • Protect the individual’s rights.
  • Intervene to assist individuals in crisis.
  • Coordinate the individual’s CLASS services with non-CLASS services as necessary through the employment of person-centered planning techniques.

Services That I Can Receive From Class

  • Adaptive Aids and Medical Supplies
  • Behavioral Support
  • Case Management
  • Cognitive Rehabilitative Therapy
  • Continued Family Services
  • Dental and Dental Sedation
  • Employment Assistance
  • Habilitation
  • Minor Home Modifications
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Pre-Vocational Habilitation
  • Respite Care
  • Specialized Therapies (Auditory Enhancement/Auditory Integration Training, Dietary, Therapeutic Horseback Riding, and Massage, Recreational, Music, Aquatic, and Hippo Therapies)
  • Speech and Language Pathology
  • Supported Employment
  • Support Family Services
  • Transition Assistance Services

You can access the following services through the CDS option:

  • Habilitation
  • Cognitive Rehabilitative Therapy
  • Employment Assistance
  • Nursing Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Respite Care
  • Speech and Language Pathology
  • Support Consultation
  • Supported Employment

Other social services offered:

  • Supervised Visitation Services on behalf of Child protective Services

Please contact our office for additional Information regarding these services.

Children and Pregnant Women Case Management Services

Infants, children, teens, and young adults from birth through age 20 can get case management if they:

  • Are eligible for Medicaid
  • Have or are at risk for having a health problem that keeps them from doing things that other kids their age do
  • Need help getting services to keep health problems from getting worse, and want case management
  • Are eligible for Medicaid
  • Have a high-risk pregnancy
  • Need services to prevent more problems with pregnancy
  • Desire case management

CPW Case Management is a Medicaid service. Case managers assist children, women who are pregnant, and their families in getting help with:

  • Access to needed medical services
  • Family problems
  • Education/school issues
  • Financial concerns
  • Finding help near where they live
  • Equipment and supplies

Case managers help by:

  • Finding out what families need
  • Making plans to meet those needs
  • Helping families find the services they need near where they live
  • Referring children, women who are pregnant, and their families to community resources and other services
  • Teaching individuals and families how to find and get the services they need
  • Following up with families to make sure their needs have been met

Call Today to Learn More About How We Can Help